Technical articles
- What's happening in the orchard!!
- Goulburn Murray Water Land & Water Entitlements Presentation
- Fire Blight
- Keeping pears firm
- Tree-Row-Volume: concept, calculations and application
- The nutrient element calcium
- Fertilizer tips to maximize baby tree growth
- What’s going on down there? Facts about organic matter
- Help for Apple Blossom Thining
- Seeing scald before it happens!!
- High summer temperatures and shallow soils can adversely affect canopy development and yield of apple trees on M.9 rootstock
- Understanding and managing transplant shock
- Check your Soil PH!
- How useful is a soil test?
- Train and prune young fruit trees in SUMMER, not in WINTER
- HARPS hits the right note for growers and retailers.
- Finishing off the Pears - Mealybug control, Post harvest for Pears, QFF numbers rising!
- Can earwigs be beneficial in apple orchards?
- Tips to build a trusty trellis......
- Are you ready for automated harvests?
- Managing Mites in the Orchard !!
- Why do some fruit crack or split when it rains?
- What you need to know about the Carpophilus beetle
- Find out about Beneficial Insects in the Orchard.
- Bitter Pit in Apples
- Blackspot in the orchard!
- Orchard Nutrition Workshop night a success !!
- Orchard Hygiene and Winter Inspections
- Gippsland Fruit Growers Meeting and Orchard Walk Held in Conjunction with The AustSafe Roadshow
- FGVL's Winter Snapshot!!!
- Busy Pruning? Read this article from FGVL's Petar Bursac on Winter Pruning of Apples and Pears!
- Tank Mixing of Pesticides and Fertilizers
- How do insects become resistant to pesticide?
- How to Improve Fruit Color
- Postharvest Browning of Apples
- Woolly Aphid - Time to Inspect your Blocks and Mark Infested Trees
- New Orchard Action Reminder OUT NOW!!!
- Codling moth IPM – Basic Principle
- Apple Scab IPM - Basic Principles !!!
- FGVL's New Seasonal Newsletter......OUT NOW!!!
- Are your Bees Buzzing ???
- CROPWATCH - Orchard Action Reminders Vol 5, No 1
- New Biological Insecticide for Codling & Oriental Fruit Moth in Pome & Stone fruit
- WORKPLACE SAFETY : "Have Your Staff Really Understood The On Farm Induction?"
- "It's Spring cleaning time" - how to safely dispose of chemical containers.
- FGVL's Grower IPM for New Season Outcome
- WORKPLACE SAFETY for You and Your Employees
- Be prepared for late frosts!
- Cover Spray Option Extended for Queensland Fruit Fly
- Pruning and Managing Orchard Designs for the Future
- PIPS - Codling Moth Biocontrol & Mass Trapping
- Increase Your Bottom Line$ with Compost/Mulch
- Why should you be managing your labour using mechanical assist?
- Fruit Fly Technical Information & Presentations
- Neonicotinoids under the radar