Fruit Growers Victoria
Representing Victoria's fruit industry

About FGV →
Fruit Growers Victoria Limited (FGV) provides a voice for growers, packers and exporting businesses across the North-East, Central and Southern growing regions of Victoria.

News →
The latest articles of interest to Victorian fruit growers.

Resources →
Here you will find the latest training and safety videos, orchard and packing shed technologies, APAL's Future Orchards and updates on Qld Fruit Fly.

Projects →
A list of projects being undertaken by FGV. You will also find reports from completed projects.

Events →
Quickly find events in each growing district and reports from past events. Keep up to date with the FGV conference 2024.

Seasonal Work →
Start here if interested in seasonal work. Find where to register your interest, types of work available and pay rates.