Grower News
Grower News
Labour Hire Authority Update
Labour hire licence applications received before 30 June 2020 The Labour Hire Authority recognises that these are unprecedented times. The coronavirus situation is affecting labour hire hosts,...
Future Orchard Walks with a difference!!!
Future Orchard Walks The June Future Orchard walks, will be streamed to each region in a condensed format. They will still hear presentations from various speakers, however the physical orchard...
APAL present new Webinar series for growers.
APAL have created a webinar series which provides a platform for growers to hear about the latest research or initiatives. They will be showcasing two webinars per month. In the next couple of...
New free program for leaders in lockdown- LaTrobe University
La Trobe University is offering support to businesses and individuals facing the challenges of COVID-19 through a free online leadership development program delivered by the highly regarded La Trobe...
National Agricultural Workforce Strategy Discussion Paper
The National Agricultural Labour Advisory Committee has released the National Agricultural Workforce Strategy Discussion Paper for industry review. The Committee is seeking your feedback which will...
Victoria's new workplace manslaughter offences
The Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Manslaughter and other matters) Bill 2019 passed Parliament on 26 November 2019 and is expected to come into effect on a day to be proclaimed...