Queensland Fruit Fly Goulburn Murray Valley Grower Outlook March & April 2023
Fruit fly activity Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) activity, as measured by the numbers of fruit fly trapped per trap on a grid of over 300 traps across the Goulburn Murray Valley (GMV) region, has been steadily increasing since September 2022. The pace of increased activity has stepped up considerably across the region since mid-January 2023. Based on Qfly activity over the past 5 years it is likely that activity will continue to increase through March before flattening out during April and decreasing in May.
NOTE: Fruit fly traps have limited efficacy in measuring Qfly activity throughout the year as fruit fly are not attracted to traps when it’s too cold, too hot, too windy or too wet. Care must be taken in relying too much on trap capture rates. Growers are encouraged to check their crops, whether domestic or commercial, visually – for evidence of fruit fly infestation – in addition to their traps. Traps are perfect for showing where and when Qfly populations are present and where and when they are expanding.
Please see the attached report for further information. GMV_QflyOutlook_March2023.pdf