Fruit Growers Victoria is the representative body for fruit growers that include some 90 per cent of Australian pear producers.
With assistance from Fresh Intelligence Consulting and Impetus Media, Fruit Growers Victoria proposes to implement a 2-month high impact program to assist with the promotion of Australian pears in 2 key markets – New Zealand and Singapore during the main supply periods for Australian pears.
The key elements for each program will be:
- Digital and social media campaign in each market reaching popular websites used by the main household buyers with opportunities for a click through to link the Australian Pears website recipe landing page website subject to permission from Hort Innovation. This may be increased with direct funds from pear exporters.
- Point of sale material in the form of A4 retail posters with a QR code to enable click through to the website recipe will be available for distribution by exporters to their importers for eligible retail customers. This aims to build a connection between consumers and the Australian pear industry and to encourage repeat purchasing, loyalty and returns flowing back to Australian pear growers and the wider industry. Eligible retail customers include independent retailer and wet market holders stocking Australian pears and major chains that are not subject to strict POS controls.
- In store POS campaign in major chains in New Zealand with POS control programs such as Countdown and New World to support the marketing programs implemented by exporters.
We anticipate that the social media banners will use elements of the Australian Pears website, yet with specific local messages and elements of promoting the images of the growing areas of Australian pears and that they are available in specific fresh produce stores now with cooperation from importers.