Current trends in Queensland fruit fly populations and the outlook for March 2022
-Numbers of Queensland fruit fly trapped (Qfly) in the Goulburn Murray Valley (GMV) jumped significantly during the first 2 weeks of February.
-The jump in Qfly numbers occurred mainly in urban areas of.
-Currently, weather conditions are suitable for Qfly to mate and lay eggs
-Eggs laid during January and February will become a new generation of pest fruit flies in late summer and autumn which will attack autumn crops of fruit and fruiting vegetables. Ripe or ripening fruit under irrigation are particularly susceptible to fruit
fly stinging fruit at this time.
-These flies will spread from urban areas, through peri-urban sites and into commercial crops from late February.
-Action now will cut the next Qfly generation and increase future home garden productivity -
*Fruit and tree removal and destruction, fruit fly baits, netting, monitoring ripening fruit for sting marks or with traps in home gardens, untended areas, council and Crown land, roadsides, riverbanks, business sites, etc.
Please see the attached report for more information.