Current trends in Queensland fruit fly populations and the outlook for February 2022
• Trapping data for Cobram (rural and urban) is not included in this report due to the fact
that, as a result of the Sterile Insect Technique Pilot Trial being carried out in Cobram, sterile
Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) have not been separated from wild Qfly since mid-December.
When this data is known it will be reported.
• Trapping data reveals that the usual spring peak in fruit fly numbers did not occur during
spring 2021 as it has during spring in previous years. If there was a peak in some urban
locations, it was delayed with the peak occurring in November rather than September.
• At present 64% of the Goulburn Murray Valley’s (GMV) Qfly population is located in urban
• Currently, weather conditions are suitable for Qfly to mate and lay eggs although hot, dry
weather, in some areas, will reduce the numbers of fruit available for Qfly to sting. The heat
will kill eggs and larvae in fruit that is exposed to the sun
Please see the attached document below to read the full update.