Grower News
Grower News
Industry Development Officer, Tony Filippi, leaves Fruit Growers Victoria
M E D I A R E L E A S E Industry Development Officer leaves Fruit Growers Victoria Shepparton based Industry Development Officer Tony Filippi is leaving Fruit Growers Victoria to pursue other...
Have your say about the new "Time Off in Lieu" model clause!!
The NFF has informed the farming associations that a model term for Time Off In Lieu has been finalized and the model clause is found below. This clause is more complex than the current clauses...
YouTube Videos of the Hailstorm Meeting held on 15 October, Now Available!!
Please find below links to YouTube videos (3 parts)from the Hailstorm meeting held at the Horticulture Centre of Excellence on 15 October 2015.
Presentations now Available from the Hail Damage Meeting held on 15 October.
As you may be aware, on Sunday 11 October, a short but intensive hail storm hit some fruit-growing areas of the Goulburn Valley, Victoria, affecting pear, apple and stone fruit orchards. The path of...
How to Recover and Manage Hail Damage.
Recovery from hail damage Hail damage can occur any time during the growing season. What the damage looks like at harvest will depend on how mature the fruit was and how large and hard the hail was...