Grower News
Grower News
Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits available now!
Deciduous fruit growers have access to the latest information on all aspects of protecting orchards from pests and diseases in the new Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Orchard plant protection guide...
FGVL AGM - Wednesday 14 November 2018
Save the date!!!!! The Fruit Growers Victoria Ltd. AGM will be held at 11.00am Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at the Horticulture Centre of Excellence Ferguson Road, Tatura. More information on what to...
Fruit Growers Victoria Submission Re- Overtime for Casuals
As you will be aware, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) is currently finalising changes to the Horticulture Award with regard to overtime payments for casual workers. The Commission’s provisional view is that...
SuperFriend in your workplace Almost one in two Australians experience mental illness in their lifetime1, and it’s important to recognise the signs of mental illness and how to support your...