Grower News
Grower News
FWO release Harvest Trail Inquiry Report
Edit Harvest Trail Report The Fairwork Ombudsman have recently released a Harvest Trail Inquiry report, which details the results of our review of workplace arrangements on the Harvest Trail. The...
Gippsland Fruit Growers Meeting- Friday 30th November 2018 Orchard Walk 10am- Armour’s orchard 124 Nilma-Bona Vista Road Nilma We will look at a Brevis thinning trial across Gala, Fuji,...
FGV 2018 Annual General Meeting
The FGV 2018 Annual General Meeting was held on 14th November in Tatura at the Hort Centre of Excellence. Members who attended were able to see presentations from: -Swarmfarm Robotics;Tony Kundert,...
Abandoned orchard management
Under the current economic conditions, which include the cut-backs to processing fruit contracts, many growers face difficult decisions regarding the future of their farms. This page describes...
Irrigating Scheduling Tool- Week 12, 25th October 2018
Instructions - It's simple! 1) Choose the closest location; a suitable "target irrigation refill point"* and; a "crop coefficient."** 2) In the third column (labelled "Irrigate"), click on the date of...
Fruit Growers Victoria continue to represent its members
The attached letter was forwarded to Minister of Agriculture, David Littleproud in relation to governments proposed solution to the labour shortage issued faced by the horticulture industry....