Grower News
Grower News
**Update on the COVID Safe Plan requirements**
Update on the COVID Safe Plan requirements. There has been a change to the requirements for regional businesses in relation to COVID Safe Plans. For businesses (excluding abattoirs, meat, seafood and...
ACCC'S Murray-Darling Basin inquiry interim report
ACCC’s Murray-Darling Basin inquiry interim reportThe ACCC’s Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry interim report has today been released and can be accessed on the ACCC website at...
Webinars: Summerfruit Industry webinars
Summerfruit industry webinars – Managing fruit quality for exportFour webinars on 'Managing fruit quality for export' are to be held 19 ad 26 August and 2 and 9 September.These online webinar events...
On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Program
On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Program This program will close on 28 August 2020, or when government funding for this program is fully allocated, whichever comes first. The Victorian Government...
Victorian Rural Women's Leadership and Mentoring Program- Apply Now!!
Visit the Australian Rural Women's Network website for more...
Australian Government- Austrade: New and extended IFAM supported flights + IFAM eligibility update
New and extended IFAM supported flights As part of phase 2, the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) is pleased to announce the following new and extended flights. Also, all flights are...