Grower News
Grower News
Choose Your #AgVenture- National Agriculture Day 19th November 2021
Choose Your #AgVenture19 November 2021This National Agriculture Day, celebrate the everyday extraordinary efforts of our farmers and all that is good about Australian agriculture. #AgDayAU we're...
Profitable Stonefruit Webinars- 25th August & 1st September
Profitable stonefruit webinarsWebinar 1: Production and Ag Tech research, Wednesday 25 August, 4 - 5 pmTopics: Industry update Trevor Ranford, Summerfruit Australia CEOProduction research:...
National Lost Crop Register
The lack of labour across Australia available to producers of fresh fruits and vegetables has already resulted in lost crops. With no silver bullet in sight we sadly expect this to continue through...
Labour Hire Authority updates 3.8.2021
Is your COVIDSafe plan regularly updated?All businesses must review and update their COVIDSafe plans regularly, especially when restrictions or public health advice changes. Organisations with...
Business Workforce Planning for your next harvest Online Workshops- Ag Vic: Southern Vic Tuesday 10th August from 6:00pm-7:30pm (CANCELLED), Statewide Monday 23rd August from 3:30pm-5:00pm
Update 10.8.2021 Victorian producers, Tuesday 10 August from 6 – 7.30 pm- CANCELLED. Registrations will be transferred to Statewide workshop on Monday 23 August Greater Sunraysia producers,...
APAL Forum 2021 – Grow Beyond: 18/19/20 July Last chance to register! POSTPONED
This year’s two-day forum – Grow Beyond - is an opportunity for you to reconnect, reflect and explore the many emerging challenges and exciting innovations that will shape the future for Australia’s...